Standard 6

Standard 6: Professionalism

Physical education teacher candidates demonstrate dispositions essential to becoming effective professionals.


6.2   Participate in activities that enhance collaboration and lead to professional growth and development.


During the 2011-2012 academic year I attended a Physical Education Mini-Conference held on Cortland campus. During the day long event I went to two different sessions. The first session that I attended was, How to Make Everyone Feel Accepted in PE. This was a great lesson for me to observe. The general concept was there there were many different cards positioned around the gymnasium and as you went from station to station the had you do different physical activities if you fell had experienced the topic on the card. Towards the end we got into groups and sat around and shared with each our circumstances around the topics we associated with. It was a great idea to get people physically and social engaged. The other session that I had the pleasure of attending was "We do That" Fun & Creative Fitness Games/Activities. This was especially beneficial as the host quickly demonstrated approximately ten activities that are great for the PE classroom, but more importantly were easily adaptable for any age level. 

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